
Game Guide > Item > Item Collection

Item Collection

You can open the item collection window with the O key

① If there is an item that matches enchant/awaken level criteria, you can try to add your item by clicking the icon.

② By completing the category, you will be given a bonus character option

① Item that matched the criteria will be shown on the list. You can click the checkbox to register the item on the collection.

※ Caution ※

1. Once the item is registered to the collection, the item will be removed from the inventory and not able to use again.

2. The item that has higher criteria can be used to register for the collection slot that asks for lower criteria. 

    Please make sure double-check the item you would like to register. 

    EX) item with +3, 6 awaken level can be registered for the slot of +3/6 awaken level and +2/3awaken leve

3. Once the item is registered to the collection, it will not be eligible for restoration and pulled out from the collection.

② You can use tokens to replace the actual item for the collection. 

  - Tokens will be available at Ignis’ coin shop and event reward.

① You can use a filter to see only the option you want to see

② You can find all bonuses on your character on the collection bonus list