
General [Added] Item Shop Crystal Item Suspension Notice


Hello. We are the SUN Classic team.


We would like to inform you that we are temporarily suspending the sale of crystalline items in the Item Shop.


Crystalline items may be resold at a later date, with price adjustments and other changes,

We will notify you in a separate announcement when they are resold.


■ Sales suspension date:  August 17, 2023 (Thursday) after regular maintenance

 Discontinued items

 1. Destruction Crystal Lv3~Lv7

 2. Guardian Crystal Lv3 - Lv7

 3. Evolution Stone Formula Lv1 - Lv7 (August 16 Added)

 4. Accessory Fragment (August 16 Added)


We hope you'll take the time to check out the information above and enjoy the game.


Thank you.