Patch Note

General [Modify] Patch Note (August 22)(UTC+9)



Welcome to the beginning of a new era with SUN Classic.


The following are the August 22, 2024 (Thu) Regular Maintenance Patch Notes.


[New Events]

1. The [Midsummer Fireworks Party] Event has begun.

 1) Please refer to the Event Page for details.

  [Go to event page]


2. The [Summer SUN CHIP] Event has begun.

 1) Please refer to the Event Page for details.

  [Go to event page]


3. The Helper AC Event has ended and begun again.

 1) Previous progression has been reset.

 2) Schedule: From August 22 to September 5 / Based on regular maintenance schedule


[Ended Events]

1. The [Zapir Beach AC] Event has ended. 

2. The [To Zapir Beach!] Event has ended. 

3. The [Gold Bar] Category has been removed from the Currency Shop due to the end of the [Improved Heim Store] Event.

4. The [Time-limited Summer Soul Crystal Crystalline Luck Box] in [Soul Shop → Event] has been Removed. 

5. The [Stabilized Soul Crystal Lucky Ticket] has been Removed from the [Crafting → Miscellaneous → Event] Category.


[Functions Added]

1. New Hero Support Part 1

 1) Players can Acquire the following Items by Completing the ”[Swift Attack] The Council’s Support for New Heroes” Quest from the NPC Guard Captain Von Carlo in Tringel Waldchen.

Quest Rewards


New Hero Costume

Base ATK +10%

Base DEF +10%

Skill ATK +10%

Max HP +10%

New Hero-Exclusive Ring

Base ATK +4%

Base DEF +4%

All Elemental ATK +4%

Skill ATK +2%

Max. HP +2%

 2) Up to 5 New Hero Rings can be Equipped at the same time.

 3) The New Hero Costume and Ring can be Used until Level 134, and the Stats will no longer apply upon Reaching Level 135.


2. New Hero Support Part 2

 1) The 36 Types of Rewards for the Swift Attack Quests have been vastly improved.

 2) 8 Swift Attack Quests have been added for the Greenwood Plateau.

 3) The Equipment and Material Rewards from the improved Swift Attack Quests are as follows.

  - 1x [7th] Legendary Weapon / 3x [7th] Legendary Armor

  - 1x [7th] Legendary Necklace or Ring

  - 1x Elite SS Grade Pet

  - 3 Types of 9th Awakening [4th] Special Accessories

  - Earned Very Good Reputation Rating for [Waldchen Council]

  - 9th Awakening Level 5 Ether Badge

 4) Please check the GM Notes for details.

  [Go to GM Notes]

  * Characters who have already Completed the Swift Attack Quests can Complete them again.

  * Some Quests that provide EXP cannot be redone, however.


3. Attendance rewards for September have been added.


4. The Tournament Schedule from August 23rd to September 4th has been added.

 1) Tournament specifics are the same as before.


5. 3 new Sources for Acquiring Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stones have been added to the Tooltip.

 1) Story Dungeon → Aiort Graveyard Tier and Above Completion Reward

 2) Special Dungeon → Cursed Tower Lv.3 (T3) and Above Completion Rewards

 3) Special Dungeon → Monster Colosseum Lv.2 (C2) and Above Completion Rewards


6. [Premium Service (3 days)] has been added to the [Coin Shop → Ether Crystal → Convenience] category.

 1) Purchase limit: Once a month

 2) Purchase Price: 8 Ether Crystals


[System Changes]

1. Guild Dungeons have been reworked.

 1) Before: Each Guild may Enter once a Day.

 2) Current: Each Player may Enter once a Day.

 3) The Difficulty for the Hall of the Devil has changed from Stage 6 to Stage 4.

 4) The Names of the Difficulties for the Hall of Nightmares and the Hall of the Devil have been changed.

  - Stage 1: Normal

  - Stage 2: Expert

  - Stage 3: Master

  - Stage 4: Nightmare

 5) Players can Enter Dungeons of the same Difficulty together with their Guild Members.

 6) Other Difficulties not In-Use by other Guild Members can be Unlocked again.


 Hall of Nightmares Normal: Currently In-Use by Guild Member A

 Hall of Nightmares Expert / Master / Nightmare: Not In-Use

 If Guild Member B Enters both Dungeons in the case above,

 When entering Hall of Nightmares Normal: Joins Guild Member A and plays together

 When entering one of Hall of Nightmares Expert / Master / Nightmare: Unlock Dungeon

 7) Players can Unlock another Guild Member’s Dungeon again after it Ends.

 8) The Requirement [Clear the Previous Stage Dungeon] has been Removed from Guild Dungeon Unlock Requirements.

 9) The Entry Item for the Hall of Knowledge has been changed to [Altheim's Insignia].

 10) The Tringle Guild Daily Quest [Support the Association for Guild's Growth] has been Removed, and a Level 20 Quest that can be Completed once upon arriving at Tringle [Support the Association for Guild's Growth] has been added.

 11) The [Tome of Knowledge] Item has been Removed from the Item Book.

  * Entry Counts for Guild Dungeons cannot be Reset with the [Reset Daily Dungeon Entry Count] Item.


2. Players no longer need to Click on the Statue in Area 3 of the First Map during the Quest [Main] Aiort Graveyard (S5m).


3. Enchant Success Rate of 1st to 6th Weapon/Armor has been changed.

 1) The Success Rate up to +9 Enchants is now 100%.

 2) The Success Rates of +10~+12 Enchants have increased.

  - +10 Enchants: 48% → 77%

  - +11 Enchants: 44% → 59%

  - +12 Enchants: 40% → 45%


4. Pet Evolution Success Rates have been changed.

 1) Normal SS Pet → Evolving Pet (Normal → Rare) Evolution Success Rates: 75% → 100%

 2) Rare SS Pet → Evolving Pet (Rare → Elite) Evolution Success Rates: 50% → 100%


5. The Amount of Entry Tickets provided through the First-Time Special Accessory Quests has been changed from 1 to 10.

 1) First Special Accessory - Wings

 2) Second Special Accessory - Kalbus' Armlet

 3) Last Special Accessory - Eye of Chaos


6. Attempting to Synthesize Zards while the Character is Dead will now Display the Message[Cannot Use in current State.].


7. The Sell Settings of [Dimensional Fragment] under [Currency Shop → Ether Crystal → Entry Ticket] category has been changed.

 1) The number of Dimensional Fragments have increased from 10 to 35.

 2) The Price is the same as before, 2 Ether Crystals.


8. The number of Dimensional Fragments Required Crafting Entry Tickets for the following Dungeons have all been changed to 5.

 1) Story Dungeons: All Dungeons in Brakion

 2) Boss Raids

  - Nivalith the Ice Dragon

  - Otto Von Roshfelt

  - Erich Schutzwalt

  - Dragon Knights Captain

  - Great Priest of Darkness

  - Schwartz Framme

 3) Cursed Tower Lv.1~Lv.4

 4) Monster Colosseum Lv.1~Lv.3


9. The equipment box being dropped in Story Dungeon has been changed to allow overlapping.


10. Changed to avoid paying 5 [Ring of Awakening] when creating new characters.


11. Helon's castle and Greenwood Plateau's field and dungeon monster capabilities have been lowered.

 1) Vitality: from a minimum of 29% down to a maximum of 62%

 2) Base ATK: Down from at least 27% to up to 54%

 3) Base DEF: Down from minimum 31% to maximum 42%

 4) Helon's castle Patrol Commander: Vitality, Base ATK, Base DEF Down 60%

 5) Greenwood Plateau Patrol Commander: Vitality, Base ATK, Base DEF Down 50%


12. The badge below has been changed to [Cannot Be Stored in Account Storage].

 1) [Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Dark] Ether Badge Lv.1~ Lv.1


13. The minimum level of the Monster in the Area Conquest Raid Quest has been changed.

 1) [Raid] Etherain Sewer: Minimum level 20 → 21

 2) [Raid] Frozen Palace: Minimum level 40 → 41

 3) [Raid] Valley of the Dragonkin: Minimum level 60 → 61

 4) [Raid] Aiort Graveyard: Minimum level 80 → 81


14. [Coin Shop → Ether Crystal → Convenience] The three Ether Crystal Random Boxes in the category have been renamed.

 1) Ether Crystal Random Box → Enhancement Materials Random Box


15. Guild coin shop has been renewed.

 1) Guild Coin → Random → Enhancement Materials Random Box added.

  - [Low-Grade] Enhancement Materials Random Box: 20 Guild Coin, buy once a week

  - [Mid-Grade] Enhancement Materials Random Box: 30 Guild Coin, buy once a week

  - [High-Grade] Enhancement Materials Random Box: 50 Guild Coin, buy once a week

 2) Guild Coin → Random → 3rd~6th Equipment Exchange Ticket Random Box changed.

  - The name has been changed to [Equipment Exchange Ticket Random Box] and the components have been changed.

  - 7th Equipment Ticket: 80%

  - 8th Equipment Ticket: 17%

  - 9th Equipment Ticket: 3%

 3) Guild Coin → Mount → Knights' Greatest Steed has been changed to 300 Guild Coins.

 4) Guild Coin → Enhancement Materials → [Mid-grade] Ether Core Point Potion has been changed to 10 Guild Coins.

 5) Guild coin → Enhancement Materials → 테르 상자(x200) purchase count changed to twice weekly.

 6) Guild Coin → Title → 9 types of options have been changed to Attack Success Rate +3.5%.


16. Experience values and drop items of monsters periodically summoned by certain Captain monsters have been deleted from the "[Sub 3] The Resurrection Ritual of Despair" dungeon.


17. Topography has been improved to prevent monsters in the Etherain Sewer field from getting trapped in the map.


18. '[Sub2] Supply Route Block Operation' has been changed so that the monster in the last 4 area of Dungeon is not repeatedly respawn.


19. The record using Dungeon, where monsters are repeatedly respawn, has been confirmed, and the best striker ranking information has been initialized.

 1) This is a measure to prevent the number of best strikers from becoming too high and being reflected in the Best of Best.

 2) This is a measure to prevent the ranking competition fatigue from getting too high.


[Issues Fixed]

1. Fixed the Trigger Object in the Boss Room sometimes not being able to be clicked on in [Sub 1] Capture the Capital (S9-1).

2. Fixed Field Monsters being Spawned in Area 6 of the 2nd Map of [Sub 2] Crushed Pride (S9-2).

3. Fixed not being able to click the Quest Summary area in the lower part of the Minimap.

4. Fixed a Timer being displayed when clicking on the info of participants in [Dungeon (F11) → Guild Dungeon → Hall of Knowledge].


Thank you.