
TOP 10 Ranking event


Dear community,


Do you know there are various rankings in SUN Classic?

The Best of Best ranking is an integrated ranking among all different rankings to show which adventurers are versatile in many things. To celebrate their effort and strength, we introduce Best of Best ranking event!


■ Event date: March 10th, 2022 (Th) after MT-March 30th, 2022 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)


■ Event details

1. Best of Best ranking will be updated on March 30th at 23:59 (UTC+9), the event’s end time.

2. Best of best ranking will be measured based on your play record during the event.

3. There will be rewards for TOP 10 on the Best of Best ranking.


■ Event rewards

1st place: 4th Equipment Exchange Event Ticket x5

2nd place: 4th Equipment Exchange Event Ticket x4

3rd place: 4th Equipment Exchange Event Ticket x3

4-5th place: 4th Equipment Exchange Event Ticket x2

6-10th place: 4th Equipment Exchange Event Ticket x1

 ※ You can exchange ticket to item from 4th Equipment Operator at town.


■ Winner will be announced after MT on Match 31st, 2022.


■ Caution

1. You can participate in the event one per account

2. If there are two characters from the same account on the ranking,
    only the character that ranked higher will be rewarded.

3. If it is confirmed that you have abused the system or used an illegal program to be ranked,
    you could be excluded from the event and could be suspended.

4. If the character is deleted before the reward is distributed to winners,
     the character could be excluded from the event.

5. Event items will be sent to ‘event inventory.’


Thank you