
ทั่วไป Some Product Changes Advance Notice


Hello, we are the SUN Classic team.


We are informing you in advance regarding the change of components and suspension of sales of some products.


Please check the details below.


■ Starter Package Component Change

1. Among the Starter Package components, Unique Grade equipment will be changed to Legendary Grade equipment.

2. Starter Package with changed components will be given to those who purchased Starter Package within a certain period.

 1) To be paid: Accounts that purchased Starter Package within the period from June 27, 2024 (Thu) to July 25, 2024

 2) Payment Location: Item Shop → Storage


■ Discontinued products

1. Destruction Crystal Lv.1 ~ Lv.9

2. Guardian Crystal Lv.1 ~ Lv.9

3. Reason for suspension of sales

 1) The Destruction/Guardian Crystal will be changed to be available for trading on the Soul Consignment Store after maintenance on Thursday, July 25.


Please check the information and make sure there is no mistake in using the game.


Thank you.