
ทั่วไป Patch Note (Mar/11) [UTC+9]


Dear Community, 

Please find the patch note for Mar/11(UTC+9) below. 

■ New feature

1. Added new item collection

 1) All class: Forest Challenger 101: collect eight 1st normal weapon/armor


■ Fix

1. You will no longer be able to access the channel if the channel is full.

2. Apprentice Champion’s set is no longer available to sell and throw away.

3. Changed the text to provide a better understanding of the case.

  - “Retrieving Character Information” → This channel is on standby due to a large number of users. Please wait.

4. A system message is now off at default in the chat filter.


■ Bugfix

1. Fix the issue of being unable to chat

2. Fix the issue of not being able to see the channel list or the list is not working

3. Fix the issue of the client is closed while retrieving the character information

4. Fix the issue of the wheel button is not working on the channel list.

5. Fix the issue red dot is not showing properly on the item collection icon

Thank you