
ทั่วไป Patch Note (April 21st) [UTC+9]


Dear SUN Classic community,


Please find the patch note details below.


■ Patch Note

[New Update]

1. 9 new trained mounts and equipment are added

 1) 3 trained War Horse and its equipment

 2) 3 trained Bigfoot Leopard and its equipment

 3) 3 trained Oak Pig and its equipment

 4) Movement Speed

  -Mount: 2,100

  -Champron: 150

  -Barding: 150

  -Boots: 150

  -Set Bonus: 200

  -Total: 2750

 5) Mounts are not available for trade, account storage, and drop to the field.


2. Trained mounts

 1) Trained mounts can be crafted with the mounts from level 20 quest and [Training Whip] Item.

 2) Trained mount can change its look to others.

 3) List

Crafted Items

Required mats 1

Required mats 2

Trained Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Oak Pig or Trained Etherain War Horse

Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x8

Trained Speckled Bigfoot Leopard or Trained White Oak Pig or Trained White Etherain War Horse

White Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x8

Trained Black Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Black Oak Pig or Trained Black Etherain War Horse

Black Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x8

Trained Leopard Champron or Trained Oak Pig Champron or Trained War Horse Champron

Brave War Horse Champron x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Leopard Barding or Trained Oak Pig Barding or Trained War Horse Barding

Brave War Horse Barding x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Leopard Boots or Trained Oak Pig Boots or Trained War HorseBoots

Brave War Horse Boots x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Oak Pig or Trained Etherain War Horse

Trained Bigfoot Leopard x1

Training Whip x4

Trained White Oak Pig or Trained White Etherain War Horse

Trained Speckled Bigfoot Leopard x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Black Oak Pig or Trained Black Etherain War Horse

Trained Black Bigfoot Leopard x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Oak Pig Champron or Trained War Horse Champron

Trained Leopard Champron x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Oak Pig Barding or Trained War Horse Barding

Trained Leopard Barding x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Oak Pig Boots or Trained War HorseBoots

Trained Leopard Boots x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Etherain War Horse

Trained Oak Pig x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Speckled Bigfoot Leopard or Trained White Etherain War Horse

Trained White Oak Pig x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Black Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Black Etherain War Horse

Trained Black Oak Pig x 1

Training Whip x4

Trained Leopard Champron or Trained War Horse Champron

Trained Oak Pig Champron x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Leopard Barding or Trained War Horse Barding

Trained Oak Pig Barding x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Leopard Boots or Trained War HorseBoots

Trained Oak Pig Boots x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Oak Pig

Trained Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Speckled Bigfoot Leopard or Trained White Oak Pig

Trained White Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Black Bigfoot Leopard or Trained Black Oak Pig

Trained Black Etherain War Horse x1

Training Whip x4

Trained Leopard Champron or Trained Oak Pig Champron

Trained War Horse Champron x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Leopard Barding or Trained Oak Pig Barding

Trained War Horse Barding x1

Training Whip x2

Trained Leopard Boots or Trained Oak Pig Boots

Trained War HorseBoots x1

Training Whip x2


3. [Training Whip] is added to the Ether Crystal shop

 1) Price: 1 Ether Crystal

 2) This item is unavailable for trade, drop, and guild storage


4. New schedules are added for conquest battles.

 1) schedule table





Gold Conquest Battle

Gold Conquest Battle


Base Conquest Battle

Base Conquest Battle


Gold Conquest Battle

Gold Conquest Battle


Base Conquest Battle

Base Conquest Battle


Gold Conquest Battle

Gold Conquest Battle


Base Conquest Battle

Base Conquest Battle






1. Auto Combat rule has changed

 1) Character will follow the target if a specific target is selected.

2. Declaration of Hostility

 1) Declaration of Hostility is no longer available from general store NPC.

 2) Declaration of Hostility is not unavailable for trade, drop and sell

 3) Declaration of Hostility is now available in guild coin shop for 100 guild coins

 4) Declaration of Hostility is available for guild with level 3 or above.

3. Party leader is no longer available to kick the party member in the dungeon.

4. Melias' Sacrifice is now craftable

 1) Melias' Sacrifice requires 1 Melias' Insignia, 25 Dimensional fragments, and 200,000 heim.

5. Melias' Sacrifice from the ether crystal shop is now changed to Melias' Insignia

 1) Price: 2 Ether Crystals

 2) Daily purchase limit is not changed

6. Horseman Landon is now only selling below equipment.

 1) Brave War Horse Champron

 2) Brave War Horse Barding

 3) Brave War Horse Boots


[Bug Fixes]

1. Fixed an issue of items on the consignment store showing different tooltips.

2. Fixed an issue of item book showing different information for dungeon ticket items

3. fixed an issue of the "party is unavailable" pop up message that appears when entering the free battle zone room

4. Fixed an issue of available to enter the dungeon after when the character used all dungeon entry limit

5. Fixed an issue of Ether Core and Badge does not show the result of crystalization.

6. Fixed an issue of the map does not show the sign on the destination properly.


Thank you