
ทั่วไป Patch Note (September 15) (UTC+9)


Dear SUN CLASSIC community,

Please find the patch note details below for September 15, 2022.


■ Patch Note

[Event ends]

1. Heim Shop event is over.

 1) Coin Merchant in Waldchen is removed.

 2) Event category in the Coin Shop is removed.

 3) You can exchange your registered event coin for an event coin item in the Coin Shop.

 4) Heim Shop event coin can exchange for the Heim by selling it to the shop.

 5) Event coin will remove from the game on September 22, 2022.


[New Features]

1. New tournament schedule from September 15-28 is added.

- Tournament details are the same as in the previous tournaments.


Thank you