
Game Information > Class Information > Shadow




Available Races

 Helron, Karin

Class Description

 An assassin of darkness that approaches without form and sound.

 A Tree that focuses on Debuffs and dealing damage over time [Curse]

 A Tree that focuses on critically injuring enemies from the shadows [Dark]

 Choose from 2 different Skill Trees.

※ The Damage and Debuff Chances of some Skills differ with the Skill Level. 



Skill Name

Skill Description


 Curses multiple enemies to deal damage over time for a certain duration.

Poison Dagger

 Throws an envenomed dagger at the enemy to apply Wound and Poison for a certain duration and deal damage over time.

Cursed Spark

 Attacks the enemy with a spark of Darkness.

Enchant Poison

 Envenoms the weapon to apply Poison to enemies on Regular Attacks.

Vital Suction

 Absorbs the energy from a corpse to recover a certain amount of HP.

Soul Control

 Reanimates a corpse to help aid in combat.
  The corpse's HP is proportional to its Max HP

Energy Suction

 Continually absorbs HP and MP from the target for a certain duration.
  Becomes immune to all Status Effects while absorbing. Does not apply to those from Dungeon Traps.


 Attacks the target and reduces its Movement Speed for a certain duration.

Helron's Soul

 Increases Party Debuff RES for a certain duration. 

Cursed Pain

 Attacks enemies in a target area and deals damage over time for a certain duration.
  Deals increased damage while Increase Curse is active.

Cursed Fire

 Sets the enemy aflame with the Fire of Darkness, dealing damage over time for a certain duration.
  Deals increased damage while Increase Curse is active. Has a chance to apply Hold.

Cancel Buff

 Has a chance to dispel all Skill Enhancement Buffs for a target.
  Has a chance to apply Fear.


 Detonates the Dark Energy deeply residing in one's heart,
  damaging all enemies in the explosion's radius. Deals increased damage while Increase Curse is active.


 Has a chance to greatly confuse the enemy and disable their Skill usage for a certain duration.

Cursed Force

 Poisons a selected area with the power of Darkness to deal damage over time.
  Has a chance to apply Dark Stun. Deals increased damage while Increase Curse is active.

Demon's Soul

 Significantly increases your Debuff RES for a brief moment.

Increase Curse

 Enhances the Skill Damage of Cursed Pain, Cursed Fire, Demon, and Cursed Force
  and converts a portion of damage dealt to HP for a certain duration.



Skill Name

Skill Description

Dual Wield

 Attacks adjacent enemies.

Shadow Spear

 Instantly pierces the enemy's heart.

Fast Blow

 Delivers a swift blow.


 Retreats into an invisible veil to vanish from enemy sight and become immune to damage.
  Movement Speed is reduced while invisible, and subsequent actions break invisibility.

Dark Dust

 Throws Darkness powder to damage enemies. Has a chance to apply Blind.

Death Blow

 Ambushes the enemy to deliver a critical blow.
  Deals increased damage while invisible (Hide).

Dark Stun

 Instantly moves in front of the enemy to throw Darkness powder and inflict damage.
  Has a chance to apply Stun.  Deals increased damage while invisible (Hide).

Dark Trace

 Raises Party Defense Success Rate for a certain duration.


 Increases Movement Speed and absorbs a portion of damage taken by forming a powerful shield for a certain duration. 

Dark Slash

 Concentrates power and slashes downward at the enemy. Has a chance to apply Stun.

Sudden Strike

 Focuses the enemy's weak points to deliver a critical blow.
  Deals increased damage to enemies in the Dark Stun State.


 Has a chance to remove all Debuffs from yourself or an ally.

Whirlwind Blow

 Delivers a critical blow to nearby enemies with a spinning strike.
  Deals increased damage while invisible (Hide).

Down Slash

 Strikes the enemy with a slash full of Dark Energy. Has a chance to apply Knockdown.

Dark Breaker

 Attacks the enemy using a certain amount of HP proportional to Max HP
  Deals increased damage while invisible (Hide).

Dark Shroud

 Significantly increases Defense Success Rate for a brief moment.

Soul Scream

 Summons evil spirits to reduce the Movement Speed of nearby enemies for a certain duration. Has a chance to apply Fear.