
Game Information > Class Information > Valkyrie




Available Races

 Eysher, Rodile

Class Description

 Warriors who worship nature and communicate with the Spirits.

 Firing arrows faster than the speed of light, Valkyries fight side by side with the Spirits.

 A Tree that focuses on Bow and Arrow combat [Offensive]

 A Tree that focuses on summoning Spirits that aid in combat [Summon]

 Choose from 2 different Skill Trees.

※ The Damage and Debuff Chances of some Skills differ with the Skill Level.



Skill Name

Skill Description

Frozen Arrow

 Fires an arrow imbued with frost.

Fast Shot

 Fires 6 arrows in rapid succession.

Shock Wave

 Sends forth a powerful shockwave.

Double Spin Kick

 Does a spinning kick to attack nearby enemies.

Spinning Wave

 Spins in a full circle to rapidly fire at nearby enemies.


 Takes aim and fires at a single target. Deals increased damage to enemies in the Knockdown State.

Wild Shot

 Makes the sky rain fire arrows, dealing damage to enemies in front.
  Deals increased damage to enemies in the Burned State.

Blood Rain

 Jumps into the air and fires rapidly at nearby enemies.
  Deals increased damage to enemies in the Knockdown State.

Over Spirit

 Increases Party Skill Range for a certain duration.

Piercing Arrow

 Fires a piercing arrow at a target. Has a chance to attack additional targets in the vicinity.

Ether Blaze

 Attacks an enemy with a scorching blaze, dealing additional Burn damage over time.
  Enemies near the target are also affected.

Air Blow

 Launches an explosive shell under an enemy's feet.
  Has a chance to apply Upper Down to enemies caught in the explosion.

Heavy Shot

 Fires a charged energy shot that applies Knockback to a target and nearby enemies. Has a chance to apply Knockdown.
  Deals increased damage to enemies in the Upper Down State.

Mana Drain

 Launches energy at a target, reducing its MP and Movement Speed.

Lucky Chance

 Amplifies all Skill Damage dealt for a certain duration
  and converts a portion of damage dealt into HP.

Spirit Eye

 Significantly increases your Skill Range for a brief moment.

Chasing Shot

 Fires Ether toward the sky to attack enemies. Has a chance to apply Hold.



Skill Name

Skill Description

Life Spirit

 Summons a Life Spirit with enhanced Main Combat Stats proportional to the Player’s for a certain duration.

Moon Assault

 Delivers an upward kick to the target.

Over Limit

 Charges energy in the weapon and fires a potent energy blast, pushing yourself back in the process.

 (Life Spirit Skill)

 Restores the HP of allies for a certain duration.


 Summons a War-Battler with enhanced Main Combat Stats proportional to the Player’s for a certain duration.

Battler Horn
 (War-Battler Skill)

 Rams a target and sends it flying. Enemies near the target are damaged upon its impact.
  Has a chance to apply Knockdown.


 Summons a Destroyer with enhanced Main Combat Stats proportional to the Player’s for a certain duration.

 (Life Spirit Skill)

 Resurrects a fallen Character. Resurrected Characters retain a portion of their HP and MP.

Increase Neuron

 Increases Party Attack Speed for a certain duration.

Peel Off
 (Destroyer Skill)

 Peels off and throws boulders from its body.
  Affected enemies have their Attack Speed and Movement Speed reduced.

Ranged Heal
 (Life Spirit Skill)

 Restores the HP of nearby allies.

Battle Barrier
 (War-Battler Skill)

 Provokes nearby enemies, increasing its Threat Level,
  and converts a portion of damage taken into HP.

Defense Motion

 Takes a defensive stance, becoming immune to all Status Effects except for those from Dungeon Traps,
and increasing Base DEF and Defense Success Rate. You are unable to attack while in the defensive stance,
but apply Stun to attacking enemies and reflect a portion of damage taken.
  (Reflects damage up to 10 times. Defense Motion automatically wears off when it reaches the limit.)

 (Destroyer Skill)

 Charges forth and attacks multiple enemies.


 Increases the Base ATK, Elemental ATK, Attack Speed, Movement Speed of Summoned Creatures for a certain duration.

Neuron Spark

 Significantly increases your Attack Speed for a brief moment.

Summoning Mastery

 Permanently increases the Max HP, Base DEF, All Elemental DEF, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed of Summoned Creatures.