
ทั่วไป Patch Note (May 30)(UTC+9)



Welcome to the beginning of a new era with SUN Classic.


The following are the May 30, 2024 (Thu) Regular Maintenance Patch Notes.


[New Events]

1. The [Collect Magic Shards!]event has begun.

 1) Please refer to the event page below for details.

  [Go to event page]


2. The [Lucky Monster Dungeon] event has begun.

 1) Please refer to the event page below for details.

  [Go to event page]


3. The [Land of Eerie Silence Season 4] event has started

 1) Participate in the event and acquire a new emblem [Kalion's Nemesis].

 2) Please refer to the event page below for details.

  [Go to event page]


[Ended Events]

1. The [Get a HOT! Buffwith a HOT! meal!] event has ended.


2. The [Rising Energy of the Blue Dragon] event has ended


3. Products whose purchase period has expired have been deleted from [Coin Shop → Soul → Event Items].

 1) 9th Equipment Exchange Ticket

 2) Soul Crystal Random Box

 3) Expedition's Greatest Steed

 4) Knights' Greatest Steed

 5) Equipment Exchange Ticket Luck Box


4. The Grade 3~5 New Zard Boosted-Rate Random Box event has ended.

 1) The sales location of [Advanced] Zard Conversion Reagent in the Soul Store has been changed.

 2) The Zard Box produced in [Crafting → Enhancement → Zard] has been changed to have an equal probability of obtaining all Zards.


[Functions Added]

1. Season 4 of Land of Eerie Silence has opened.

 1) Accessible Period: From May 30, 2024 to June 27, 2024 / Based on regular maintenance schedule

 2) The Land of Eerie Silence can only be accessed during the set Accessible Period.

Land of Eerie Silence Specifics


Accessible Time (UTC+9)

Accessible Channels


04:00~06:00 (New!)

Channel 1

09:00 - 11:00

15.00~17:00 (New!)

22:00 - 24:00


04:00~06:00 (New!)

09:00 - 11:00

15.00~17:00 (New!)

22:00 - 24:00


04:00~06:00 (New!)

09:00 - 11:00

15.00~17:00 (New!)

22:00 - 24:00


04:00~06:00 (New!)

09:00 - 11:00

15.00~17:00 (New!)

22:00 - 24:00


04:00~06:00 (New!)

09:00 - 11:00

15.00~17:00 (New!)

22:00 - 24:00


04:00 - 08:00

16:00 - 20:00


04:00 - 08:00

16:00 - 20:00

 3) You can enter by moving to the Town's Waypoint and Premium Service field.

 4) Players will automatically be moved to a Town if they switch to another Channel or if the Accessible Time ends.

 5) [Token of Silence] has been added to the Coin Shop.

 6) The boss monster [Emperor Kalion] appears twice a day.

 7) 2 Land of Eerie Silence Daily Quests have been added.

  - Players can Select from 3 Types (Common/Leader/Elite) of Wanted Quests.

  - Players can Select from 3 Types (Common/Leader/Elite) of Loot Quests.

  - Common Rank Quest Rewards: EXP, Ether Crystal x8, Dimensional Fragment x18

  - Leader Rank Quest Rewards: EXP, Ether Crystal x9, Dimensional Fragment x21

  - Elite Rank Quest Rewards: EXP, Ether Crystal x10, Dimensional Fragment x24

 8) When defeating monsters that appear in the Land of Eerie Silence, you can gain about 15% higher EXP than in a normal field.


2. Two new legendary pets [Magic Swordsman Khan] and [Puppet-Kalbus] have been added.

 1) Two new pets have been added to the [Evolving Seos] reward items.

 2) Two new pets have been added to the [Evolving Seos (Unique → Legendary)] reward items.

 3) For more detailed information, please check the in-game guide.


3. [Transcendence Pet Conversion Scroll] has been added.

 1) You can randomly convert Transcended Pets through Cube Synthesis.

Material 1


Material 2


Transcended Pet


Transcendence Pet Conversion Scroll


 2) Converts into one pet (out of all element types) of the same grade as the pet used as a material.

 3) Can be converted to the same type of pet.

 4) Upon conversion, the awakening level is reset to 0.

  Ex 1) [Fire] Transcendental Black Knight MUda (C), Awakening 9

  Ex 2) [Fire] Transcendent Black Knight MUda (A), Awakening 9 → [Fire] Transcendent Black  (A), Awakening 0

 5) Transcended Pet Conversion Scroll can be purchased at the Soul Store.


4. Grades and sockets have been added to Soul Crystals.

 1) Previous Soul Crystal → Common Grade

 2) Rare, Elite, Unique, Legendary Grades have been added.

 3) After Awakening 9, you can evolve to a higher level.

 4) Advanced Awakening Materials: Soul Crystal Crystalline

 5) Common Awakening Materials: Special Additive Lv.2

 6) With the Holy Book of Bannertism, you can open the socket and install the Accessory Zard.

 7) Please refer to the separate page for detailed options, Awakening, and Evolution information.

  [Go to Soul Crystal Guide]


5. 2 new Soul Crystals have been added.

 1) Stabilized Soul Crystal (Defense) and Stabilized Soul Crystal (Offense) have been added.

 2) The existing Soul Crystal names have been changed as follows.

  - Soul Crystal (Defense) → Sacrifice Soul Crystal (Defense)

  - Soul Crystal (Offense) → Sacrifice Soul Crystal (Offense)

 3) Stabilized Soul Crystals are not destroyed when enchantment fails.

 4) Stabilized Soul Crystals have an Enchant effect that is about 2 levels lower than that of Sacrifice Soul Crystal.

 5) You can convert the Sacrifice Soul Crystal into a +2 Enhanced Stabilized Soul Crystal at [Crafting → Accessories → Soul Crystal].

  - After converting to a Stabilized Soul Crystal, it cannot be converted back to a Sacrifice Soul Crystal.

  Ex) Sacrifice Soul Crystal (Offense) +5 → Stabilized Soul Crystal (Offense) +7

 6) Can be enchanted with [Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stone].

 7) If you perform the [Soul Crystal] quest from [Amazon Cleo] in Etherain, you can obtain a Stabilized, Non-enhanced Soul Crystal.

  - If you are level 80 or higher, you must complete the [Main Dungeon] Valley of the Dragonkin quest.

 8) Please refer to the separate information page for detailed options and further information.

  [Go to Soul Crystal Guide]


6. [Sacrifice Soul Crystal] Enchantment effects have been added to two types of items.

Enchant Value

Enchant Effects


Max. Damage Chance 0.1%


Max. Damage Chance 0.2%


Max. Damage Chance 0.3%


Max. Damage Chance 0.4%


Max. Damage Chance 0.5%


Max. Damage Chance 0.6%


Max. Damage Chance 0.8%


Max. Damage Chance 1.0%


Max. Damage Chance 1.2%


Max. Damage Chance 1.4%


Max. Damage Chance 1.5%


Max. Damage Chance 2.0%


7. New items have been added to the [Coin Shop → Soul → Enhancement/Craft Items] category.

 1) Soul Crystal Crystalline Luck Box

 2) Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stone


8. Tradeable products have been added to the Consignment Store.

 1) Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stone Luck Box

 2) Soul Crystal Crystalline


9. Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stone Luck Box crafting has been added to [Crafting → Accessory → Soul Crystal].

 1) 60 Sacrifice Soul Crystal Enhancement Stones → 1 Stabilized Soul Crystal Enhancement Stone Luck Box

 2) 100% Success Rate

 3) Fee: 10 Million Heim


10. A new item category has been added to [Coin Shop → Soul].


11. Attendance rewards for June have been added.


12. The Tournament Schedule from May 31st to June 12th has been added.

 1) Tournament specifics are the same as before.


[System Changes]

1. [Coin Shop → Ignis' Coin] has been deleted.

 1) Item Guide → Coin → Ignis' Coin deleted


2. The appearance of Helroid's 1st to 9th Wings has been changed to a mechanical appearance.


3. When open the [Title / Emblem] setting window with the emblem on, the [Title] tab has been changed to be selected.


4. [Sub 2] The Identity of Black Ether of Dungeon's section 2 of black ether congestion has been deleted.


5. The [item] word has been deleted from the name of all Coin Shop categories.


6. [Coin Shop → Soul]'s Mount, Pet, and Ticket categories have been integrated into one category.

 1) [Mount Item], [Pet Item], [Ticket Item] → [Mount / Pet / Ticket]


7. The Territory War(Base Occupation) season has ended.

 1) Territory War(Base Occupation) occupation area information and attack application information have been initialized following the end of the season.


[Issues Fixed]

1. The situation has been corrected in which the Helper reservation information was not reflected in the party member information on the left side of the screen with a green border.


Thank you.