
Game Guide > System > Waypoint


① Waypoints : Waypoints are towers made for moving through Fields more conveniently. 

                    There is a cost and Level Requirement for moving to each Area.

② Area List : Shows the Waypoint's list of Towns and Fields.

③ Confirm Button : Pressing the Confirm Button after selecting an Area will move you there if all the conditions are met.

■ Personal Waypoint – Runestone

① Clicking the Personal Waypoint Icon (Y) will bring up the Waypoint List.

② Shows the Coordinates currently registered.

③ Adds the Character's Current Location to the Waypoint List.

    - You can add a maximum of 25 Waypoints.

④ Deletes the selected location from the Waypoint List.

⑤ Warps to the location selected on the Waypoint List.