
Game Guide > System > Skills


① You can check the Class' Skill Tree and Actions/Emotes in the Skill Page.

② There are 2 types of Skill Trees for each Class In S.U.N. Classic,

    and Characters can be raised differently depending on the Skill Tree you choose.

③ Shows the amount of Skill Points you currently have.

    Skill Points are given when a Character Levels Up.

④ You can unlock the next set of Skills by spending Skill Points to increase Skill Levels to a certain amount.

    The Gauge shows how many Skill Points are needed to unlock the next set of Skills.


① You can apply Skill Points by clicking the + Button on the Skill Icon.

 - Before you finalize your decision, you can use the +,- Buttons to Add or Subtract Skill Points.

② Clicking the Check Mark finalizes your Skill Points, while clicking the X Mark resets any changes.

 - You cannot revert applied Skill Points after pressing the Check Mark.

 - You will not get back applied Skill Points even after pressing the X Mark. 

① Shows Actions/Emotes such as Standing Up/Sitting Down, Auto Attacking, Greeting, and Crying.

  - You can set the Icons to the Quick Slots to use them more conveniently.

Ether Core Skills

① Two Presets, A and B are provided, that can be quickly interchanged through Hotkeys.

② Shows the Ether Core you currently have equipped.

③ Shows the currently applied Effects.

④ Shows the List of Ether Cores.

   1) Brings up the Crafting Page for Ether Core Skills. You can obtain Items depending on the result when Disassembling Skills.

   2) You can increase the Level of Ether Core Skills by pressing the "Level Up" Button.

Ether Core Skill Crafting

① You can Craft Ether Core Boxes in the Crafting Page.

    You can obtain 1 random Ether Core Skill from an Ether Core Box.

② You can Craft Potions that are used for Skill Level Ups.