
Game Guide > System > Equipment Transcendence

Equipment Transcendence

Guide: Equipment Transcendence

Acquire more powerful Stats by Transcending Legendary +9 Awakened Equipment.

■ Equipment Transcendence

1. Equipment and Accessories with +9 Legendary Awakenings and Lv.5 Special Accessories with +9 Awakenings can be Transcended.

2. Zards, Socket Info, and Dice Options are maintained when Transcending Equipment while Awakenings and Grades are changed. 

CategoryWeapon, ArmorRings, NecklacesWings, Armlets, Chaos Eyes
Transcendence Target+9 Legendary Awakenings+9 Legendary Awakenings+9 Lv.5 Awakenings
Maintained FunctionsSockets (Zards Included)
Dice Functions
Enchant Levels
Ether Dischargers
Base DEF/ATK Grades
 (Values within identical Grades may be changed, however.)
Sockets (Zards Included)
 Dice Functions
Sockets (Zards Included)
Changed FunctionsAwakening Levels (Transcended to Level 0)Awakening Levels (Transcended to Level 0)Awakening Levels (Transcended to Level 0)
 Dice Functions

3. A 5th Dice Option is Added when Transcending for Weapons, Armor, Rings, and Necklaces.

4. Option Values excluding Fixed Options will Increase for Special Accessories. 

CategoryWeapon, ArmorRings, NecklacesWings, Armlets, Chaos Eyes
Enhanced Stats5th Random Dice Option Added
Awakening Option Enhancement
 Base ATK/DEF is set higher than Legendaries
5th Random Dice Option Added
 Awakening Option Enhancement
All Dice Options Increased
 Awakening Option Enhancement

■ 5th Dice Option

1. A 5th Dice Option is Added when Transcending Equipment.

2. The 4 Existing Dice Options Maintain their Legendary Grade Values when Adding a 5th Option.

3. The 5th Dice Option is Randomly Set as one from Options 1 - 4. 

Ex) Shirt TranscendenceOption TypeEtc.
Dice Option 1Max. HPLegendary Options Maintained
Dice Option 2Spirit
Dice Option 3Base DEF
Dice Option 4All Elemental RES Rates (%)
Dice Option 5Randomly Set as one from Options 1 - 4Transcendence Options Added

■ 5th Dice Options Acquirable for possible Item Types 

Item TypeAcquirable Options (Acquires 1 Option out of 4 Options)
WeaponBase ATKSkill EnhancementAll Elemental ATKCritical Chance (%)
ArmorMax. HPBase DEFSkill DEFDamage Debuff RES (%)
HelmetMax. HPBase DEFSkill EnhancementDebuff Success Rate (%)
PantsMax. HPBase DEFSkill DEFCritical Chance When Attacked (%)
BootsMax. MP/SPAgilityDecrease Opponent's Base DEFArmor Piercing (%)
GlovesMax. MP/SPIntelligenceDecrease Opponent's Base DEFDecrease All of Opponent's Elemental RES Rate (%)
ProtectorMax. HPVitalityBase DEFDefense Success Rate (%)
BeltMax. HPStrengthBase DEFDecrease Damage (%)
ShirtMax. HPSpiritBase DEFAll Elemental RES Rates (%)
RingsBase ATKSkill EnhancementCritical ChanceCritical Damage (%)
NecklacesBase DEFSkill DEFCritical Chance When AttackedCritical Damage When Attacked (%)

1. Randomly Acquires 1 Option out of 4 Options.

■ How to Transcend Equipment

1. Weapons / Armor

 1) Weapons and Armor of the same Tier can be used as Materials for Transcending Weapons and Armor.

 2) Transcendence Chance differs depending on the Grade and Awakening Values of the Materials used.

 3) A Chance Bonus is Added to the Base Chance for each +1 Awakening Value. 

Transcendence Material GradeChance Info
Material Base Chance+1 Awakening Value Bonus Chance+9 Awakening Value Bonus Chance

2. Rings / Necklaces

 1) Rings and Necklaces can be Transcended by using Ignis Accessories of the Previous Tier as Materials.

 2) A Chance Bonus is Added to the Base Chance for each +1 Awakening Value. 

Transcendence MaterialChance Info
Material Base Chance+1 Awakening Value Bonus Chance+9 Awakening Value Bonus Chance
Ignis' Accessories55.00%5.00%100.00%

3. Special Accessories

 1) Special Accessories can be Transcended by using Transcendence Artifacts of the appropriate Tier as Materials.

 2) Transcendence Artifacts can be Crafted from the Craft Page.

 3) Transcendence Chance for Transcendence Artifacts is 20% with no Bonus Chances. 

Transcendence MaterialMaterial ChanceAwakening Bonus Chance
Transcendence Artifact20%None

■ Transcendence Equipment Awakenings

1. Transcended Weapons/Armor can be Awakened with Crystals and Awakening Additives of the same Level and Tier.

2. Transcended Rings/Necklaces can be Awakened with Awakening Additives and Accessory Fragments of the same Area.

3. The Amount required for Awakening is the same as for Legendary grade, but an Awakening Success Rate exists. 

Equipment TypeChance Info
Awakening 1 - Awakening 3Awakening 4 - Awakening 6Awakening 7 - Awakening 9

4. The Success Rate is Set to 100%, and the Amount of Materials used Increases as the Special Accessory Tier gets higher.